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I became a Christian in college and it wasn't until I was already in medical school that I really started to ask God what He wanted me to do with my life. Thankfully, He confirmed my desire to be a physician and led me to a mission trip to South Texas and Mexico that served as a stepping stone to me being in Papua New Guinea today. I went to Ghana to check out overseas missions as a medical student and felt that might be where God was leading me. I returned to South Texas to train as a family practice doctor at the Valley Baptist Family Practice Residency Program and applied to Samaritan Purses's Post-Residency Program.

I came to PNG through the PRP in 2007 and haven't left. I joined the Church of the Nazarene in 2010 and became a Nazarene Missionary. I love the opportunity to practice a broad scope of medicine each day, to share Jesus's love with the patients I meet, and to be able to be Jesus's hands and feet to the people of PNG.

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